Product details chemical storage cabinet

Chemical Storage Cabinet

Chemical Storage Cabinet adalah lemari penyimpanan cairan atau peraksi kimia . Chemical Storage Cabinet terbuat dari beberapa material seperti mild steel dan stainless steel

Storage Cabinet ada beberapa jenis yaitu:

- Flammable Storage Cabinet :

adalah lemari penyimpanan cairan atau peraksi kimia yang mudah terbakar.

- Acid/ Corrosive Storage Cabinet :

adalah lemari penyimpanan cairan atau peraksi kimia yang bersifat asam/ mudah membuat berkarat.

- Toxic Storage Cabinet :

adalah lemari penyimpanan cairan atau peraksi kimia yang beracun.

Flammable Storage Cabinet

Spesification and Dimension Flammable Storage Cabinet

NoDimensi (P x L x T)MaterialFinishingDoorShelfHandle & LockGallonsColor
560 X 435 X 435 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating1 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock
4 galoons
Yellow & Red
590 X 460 X 890 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating1 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock12 galoons
Yellow & Red
3590 X 460 X 1650 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating1 door 3 shelves stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock22 galoonsYellow & Red
4890 X 640 X 890 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating2 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock22 galoonsYellow & Red
51090 X 450 X 1650 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating2 door 2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock45 galoons
Yellow & Red
6865 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock60 galoons
Yellow & Red
71090 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil Steel Powder Coating2 door 2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock90 galoons
Yellow & Red

Optional : Blower

Kami juga melayani pembuatan Flammable Storage Cabinet customize

Acid / Corrosive Storage Cabinet

Spesification and Dimension Corrosive Storage Cabinet

NoDimensi (P x L x T)MaterialFinishingDoorShelfHandle & LockGallonsColor
560 X 435 X 435 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 1 shelf Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock
4 galoons
Blue & Grey
590 X 460 X 890 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 1 shelf Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock12 galoons
Blue & Grey
3590 X 460 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 3 Shelves Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock22 galoonsBlue & Grey
4890 X 640 X 890 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 1 shelf Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock
22 galoonsBlue & Grey
51090 X 450 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 2 shelves Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock
45 galoons
Blue & Grey
6865 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 2 shelves Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock
60 galoons
Blue & Grey
71090 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door2 shelves Polypropylene 5 mmPandle Handle Lact with key lock
90 galoons
Blue & Grey

Optional : Blower

Kami juga melayani pembuatan Flammable Storage Cabinet customize

Toxic Storage Cabinet

Spesification and Dimension Toxic Storage Cabinet

NoDimensi (P x L x T)MaterialFinishingDoorShelfHandle & LockGallonsColor
560 X 435 X 435 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock4 galoons
White/ Grey
590 X 460 X 890 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock12 galoons
White/ Grey
3590 X 460 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating1 door 3 shelves stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock22 galoonsWhite/ Grey
4890 X 640 X 890 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 1 shelf stainless steel 304Pandle Handle Lact with key lock22 galoonsWhite/ Grey
51090 X 450 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock45 galoons
White/ Grey
6865 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door 2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock60 galoons
White/ Grey
71090 X 865 X 1650 mm
Galvanil SteelPowder Coating2 door2 shelves stainless steel 304
Pandle Handle Lact with key lock90 galoons
White/ Grey

Optional : Blower

Kami juga melayani pembuatan Flammable Storage Cabinet customize

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